Plátno a křišťál
Alena Kupčíková ve svých kresbách na plátno zaznamenává nepovšimnutelné, běžnou realitu. Před plátnem pak najdeme objekty-reliéfy z českého křišťálu Preciosy. Mnohé z toho, co nás obklopuje, může opět pohltit příroda. To, co zůstává nepovšimnuto, Alena ztvární v estetice a kráse, aby to nezaniklo. Autorka koncept rozvíjí a nadále pracuje s tématem přírody a běžných obrazů v našich životech.
Canvas and crystal
In her drawings on canvas, Alena Kupčíková records the unnoticeable, the ordinary reality. In front of the canvas, we can find objects-reliefs made of Czech Preciosa crystal. Much of what surrounds us can once again be absorbed by nature. What remains unnoticed, Alena portrays in aesthetics and beauty to prevent it from disappearing. The author keeps developing the concept and continues to work with the theme of nature and ordinary images in our lives.
In her drawings on canvas, Alena Kupčíková records the unnoticeable, the ordinary reality. In front of the canvas, we can find objects-reliefs made of Czech Preciosa crystal. Much of what surrounds us can once again be absorbed by nature. What remains unnoticed, Alena portrays in aesthetics and beauty to prevent it from disappearing. The author keeps developing the concept and continues to work with the theme of nature and ordinary images in our lives.

V krajině, 2022,
Acrylic on canvas, 150 x 150 cm
Preciosa® Genuine Czech crystal,
epoxid, epoxy, objekt 55 x 43 x 8 cm - 63 x 38 x 7 cm
Acrylic on canvas, 150 x 150 cm
Preciosa® Genuine Czech crystal,
epoxid, epoxy, objekt 55 x 43 x 8 cm - 63 x 38 x 7 cm
In The Countryside, 2022,
Acrylic on canvas, 150 x 150 cm
Object: Preciosa® Genuine Czech crystal - glass, epoxy, 55 x 43 x 8 cm - 63 x 38 x 7 cm
Acrylic on canvas, 150 x 150 cm
Object: Preciosa® Genuine Czech crystal - glass, epoxy, 55 x 43 x 8 cm - 63 x 38 x 7 cm

Kopřiva 2022,
Akryl na plátně, 150 x 100 cm
Preciosa® Genuine Czech crystal, epoxid, objekt, 55 x 38 x 7 cm
Nettl, 2022, Acrylic on canvas, 150 x 100 cm
object: Preciosa® Genuine Czech crystal - glass, epoxy, 55 x 38 x 7 cm
Akryl na plátně, 150 x 100 cm
Preciosa® Genuine Czech crystal, epoxid, objekt, 55 x 38 x 7 cm
Nettl, 2022, Acrylic on canvas, 150 x 100 cm
object: Preciosa® Genuine Czech crystal - glass, epoxy, 55 x 38 x 7 cm